How to improve your vision while riding a motorcycle? I own a Vespa and I am not happy with the rear view of the stock mirror, I'm looking for something to see more of the rear view

I want to see more of the rear view

A: Vespa's stock mirror has the longest stem and biggest mirror plate in the market; if you are still not happy with the rear view, it's probably not the height of the mirror or the size of the mirror plate.

Try to look for something that adjusts better.

There are many mirrors that have two adjustment joints with high adjustability in our store.

"Modern" is what this customer bought. This series has super high adjustability can let you see incredible view.
"Oval" series are Aspheric Mirrors, this is the other way to see a wider view.
Aspheric Mirror
An aspheric mirror is a mirror that curves out to show more of the rear view and reduce the any blind spots. See even more with our aspheric lens. See almost zero blind spots and ride safer.
Round mirrors would dress your Vespa up in a classic way. KiWAV Round Mirrors
KiWAV Round Mirrors on Vespa
Quite a few Vespa owners use our "Classic" or "Medusa" , it looks quite cute but the rear view will be limited due to the adjustability.

You can find all mirrors that fits Vespa in our store, I'm sure you can find the one you love.

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